The Asphalt App
Contractors and asphalt producers have to live in a low bid environment. How do you bid your liquid asphalt when energy and crude prices both rise and fall sometimes $300/ton over just a few months? The market is volatile, and you need reliable information to make an informed decision. We are able to provide that information through our Asphalt App.
The Asphalt App pulls the daily closing prices of a variety of energy products from the NYMEX and combines them using The Synthetic to determine our Daily Asphalt Index. The Asphalt App also graphs those Asphalt Daily Index values for trends over time. The daily value is then adjusted for time and geography to give a range of retail (truck rack) prices for up to 18 months into the future. See the screenshots below.
Using the Asphalt App is simple. The Daily Asphalt Index refreshes daily on the app’s home page. For future pricing, simply use the slider to select the time period (ranges are given in quarters and go out 18 months) and then select the geographic region of the U.S. where you’re looking for projected liquid asphalt pricing. that you’re interested in knowing the projected liquid asphalt pricing for PG 64-22. This provides information in real-time based on current market reality for future pricing. Make checking the Asphalt App part of your daily routine!
Download The Asphalt App from the App Store or Google Play and subscribe today (search for “Asphalt Unlimited”).

How can I know the data produced is reliable?
Two ways. The first is the fact that the algorithm engine that powers the app has a 0.997569 Pearson value (r) for the past 18 months and 0.988041 for over 13 years. Uncanny accuracy. Any data sets that correlate that well in the past are de facto predictive of the future. The second is the algorithm uses the previous day’s closing prices for select energy products from the NYMEX. This gives the basis of the calculation in market realities, not opinion.
Can I try The Asphalt App first before subscribing?
We offer a three-month free trial period. This is easily accessible through the app.
Is there a fee for The Asphalt App?
The subscription price for the app is $500 per month. Cheaper than one (1) ton of asphalt. Monthly subscriptions are billed quarterly for $1,500. You can get two months free for an annual subscription rate of $5,000. One use of the app can easily pay for itself. We periodically offer coupon codes for discounts up to 30% or even 50%, so check with us to see if we currently have an active coupon code. We also do multi-licensing agreements for organizations. Contact us for pricing for multi-licenses.
Asphalt Unlimited, LLC does price consultation for several U.S. contractors on a retainage basis. The fees are a minimum of $800 per month. If you use the app, you’re actually saving money AND getting access to industry-changing information.
As a subscriber, how do I know my information is protected?
You can read our privacy policy on the app, but simply put we do not sell or give away any of your information. We will not reveal the identity of any subscribers unless authorized by individual subscribers. You can use the app with complete anonymity.
Is The App available for Android devices?
Yes. The App is available for download at both the Apple App Store and Google Play.
* Frequently Asked Questions. Which begs the question, how often does a question have to be asked before it becomes “frequently asked”? We really don’t know so, if your question isn’t frequent yet, ask it: